Monday, June 25, 2012

Boring boring boring boring....or am I just a whinger?

So its been about a month since my last post..why is this you ask, or you may not...well Ill tell you..its because I have absolutely diddly squat to write about so why would I bore anyone with that. Ill try and do a re-cap of the last month. There have a been a few girls nights which were actually really fun and not boring at all, I had a about 8 chickadees over to mine for one particular evening for drinky poos and nibbles and then we hit the crazy town of Neutral Bay...and I must say we had a the below shot clearly shows....what a lovely charming lady like shot

The weather was absolutely atrocious so it was great that we all made the effort to doll ourselves up and get our booggie on. What else...still been job hunting, there are a few that seem like they could be winners and still going to follow up interviews so we'll see. Its quite strange getting all fancied up in corporate work gear again, and low and behold I even wore a top to one of my interviews that was from dah dah dah dahhhhh...Lara Ashley WTF !?!?!?! Even ex was asking what the hell I had on...but it truly wasnt that was just a plain black knit with some lovely little lady like pearls around the neck line (no rude jokes thank you very much!!) I am on the way into the city in interview gear with mini man...was a divine morning and my Laura Ashely number was a hit with all the old corporate ladies.

So yes been going to interviews, going on girls nights, mini man has been loving daycare so its all good really......but boring, well I shouldnt really say that as I sound like an ungrateful whinger but there has just been nothing of exciting interest to write about, but evidently I still this blog post write the yanks would say....'go figure' or 'my bad' or something along those lines. Mini Mans great nan (who we call 'big', she is actually tiny) had a fall though which wasnt to good at all, we have visited her already and she is due to come out of hospital today and looking forward to seeing how she is this afternoon, so Ill make sure mini man chooses a lovely bunch of flowers to give to Big this afternoon for her arrival home.

Uh ohhhhh, I hear the wee mini man calling from his supposed slumber of sleep that lasted for...oh 45minutes, so I shall now sign out and hopefully have some interesting stuff to write soon.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Urrggghhh....the on....for a JOB!

Ok, so now that myself and mini man are settled into our new abode that is quite humble, he has started at daycare....3rd week now and not too many tears..YIPEEEEEE, gotten him a haircut and not too many tears...YIPEEEEE, worked out some sort of routine with ex for when he has mm stay over and not too many tears...YIPEEEEE (you get the picture)..Its now time people for me to get a da da da daaaaaaahhhhh... JOB!!!! Nooooooooooooooooooooooooo, say it isnt so!! But alas it is so. God I need to get one, its been two years since I was in the world of talking to adults without mentioning cast changes of hi-5 and the wiggles or what nappies are best for night time piss ups...TWO YEARS I tells ya!!! where has that time gone? can a person who is 85cm tall and weigh 12.5kg really take up that much time??? YES they can. Dont get me wrong, mm is my main focus and my main job (if you can call it that wrong?) and I love love love hanging out with him, and I have never loved anything so much in my life but, like I may have mentioned before...I like my sanity also and a bit of me time...(are we selfish for wanting me time? I feel guitly about wanting that sometimes) ...and a bit of extra cashola wouldnt hurt...oh and I need to pay bills, get some independence back and most importantly buy some boobs to replace the raisins that currently reside on my chest, bit of botox here and there...same old gripe that we all have really. So yes the hunt is on, Im on seek, have been to a few interviews that seem promising (and hopefully are) so we'll see.

To be honest I DONT CARE what I do...well thats a lie, I do care but thats a whole other post, I just need to get out there, specially now that mm is at daycare....yes I have two days to myself but to do what??..yes yes yes...clean the house, go for a jog, have a coffee with friends, catch up on jersey shore and ice loves coco, put a colour through my hair..actually there is a lot I could when I think about it.....BUT I really want to get back into my design and eventually have my own business that generates some sort of semblance to an income,...but god, thats scary, thats actually putting my design skills out there for everyone to see...and after two years Im pretty sure they have evaporated completely. No just a nice normal 9 -5 desk job (part time of course) is for me at the moment...something that I can breeze into, do my job (quite competently, professionally in a timely manner and all with a smile I might add :) breeze out of and then come home and work on my empire of fabulous fabrics in my spare time. Hmmmm perhaps a refresher course in photoshop and illustrator wouldnt go astray...but DOH... I need a job to pay for it. Why oh why wasnt I born a kardashian and get paid to do sweet FA. No its all good, I love job hunting, its the thrill of the chase and Im not going to take something that isnt right for me (which I am lucky to have that luxury I know) and likewise for the company potentially hiring me...if they think Im all sorts of wrong (which clearly Im not...if we are honest)  then its best I dont work would just be a waste of time for all involved.

I went to a seminar on Monday night about blogging and the fabulous Kerri Sackville,, was guest speaker...she made me feel normal in the chase for being successful at something, she is a wife, mother of 3, and has a rabbit, she has just released her latest book (she has two now), has an amazing blog, and twitter following of 5000 (I still dont even really know what twitter is) and she still feels overwhelmed, anxious and under the pump 24/7 and feels that she still hasnt succeeded, even though in my eyes and everyone elses too...she's made it..she is a HUGE success but do we ever realize it?...I know Im talking about just getting a job but I really want to be successful at something...yes I am a mother to the most gorgeous boy in the world and he is what I am most proud of but being successful at something that I created, that I did by myself, that some random person picks up and says 'wow thats cool'...thats what I want...I guess the bigger issue here is why?? why do I want that?? Oh god, that is a whole other post again....and I was only starting this one to talk about job hunting!!! Down the garden path we went..oops.

Friday, May 18, 2012

I cooooooked

I did it!!!! I finally cooked. Ive been on my own and in my new place for a month and a bit now and I finally christened the stove top! I mean I can cook, but for some reason it scares the sh*t out of me....Is it the flames of the gas burners, the oil in the pan swirling around...Ohhhh just realized it's the effing onions, I seriously cry like mini man having a meltdown every time. My eyes are actually still stinging two hrs later, time for a trip to spec savers maybe.

I only cooked spag bol but it is mighty tasty, well I cooked it for mini mans meals so hopefully he approves....he loved rearranging the plastic container drawer (do we still call it a tuppawear drawer..not sure?) while i was busy creating a mouthwatering masterpiece so that's a bonus. What will be my next gourmet meal....hmmm one could only wonder? I'm guessing spag Bol with a twist like oregano instead of mixed herbs....crazy right? I'm totally entering masterchef next year.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Meltdowns r us....

Meltdowns of the mini man kind. They are coming on thick and fast now (sounds a bit like labor...just as painful too). The first noticeable one in public was on mothers day, myself mini man and my mum went along to yum cha with my bro and his family.... The fun started as soon as we attempted to sit down. Tears tears tears, no way was he having any of this highchair bulls**t! Mini man normally salivates then devours every trolley in sight as soon as we step foot into yum cha...not this time. Plonked him in, attempted to say hello to everyone and try and hold normal 'what's been happening' convo's but bloody hell, it was like running a marathon dealing with mm's meltdown! There was nothing that I could produce in front of him that would calm his frazzled nerves, even lining up the cast of hi-5 in front him would have failed (hmmm..maybe not). Anyway after an hour of this I think we were all over it and packed up and went back to my bros house for a much needed cup of harden the f**k up. Now he was in his element, the poor little bugger, all he wanted was some familiar surroundings and the soothing sounds of a ukalalie! I mean who wouldn't. So what does one do in these situations of temper tantrums??? Quite frankly, you just deal with it best you can, try every trick in the book, and count the hours down to the next one ....which was this morning as I dropped mm off for his second week at kindy...not a happy camper...but this is life and it's amazing how you just get on with it, I mean I know there will be other major things to come along the way which will surely turn me prematurely grey but until then, I shall enjoy these lovely Meltdowns and deal with them as they come. Mm is staying at his dads for the first time tonight...yikes! Time to pass the fun of Meltdowns on to him for a bit me thinks. Hats off to all the mums and dads who have more than one meltdown to deal with at a time!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mothers day...

So ex bought round a card, flowers a coffee and the newspaper this morning.... All from mini man of course. Was very sweet indeed, and made feel a bit special even though we aren't together. Is it weird that he did that? I mean we still love and care for each other very much buttt we have separated. I don't care, I think it was nice, and I mean it was really from mini man, not him. It even said so in the card......'love mini man and the girls' Mothers day though...what a scam, just like valentines day and Halloween, such a cynic aren't I. I'm sure the chrysanthemums bought for me were probably 50 bucks (mini man only has $12 in his piggy bank so not sure how he paid for them) and the Sunday paper marked up 100% but it's still sweet isn't it. Anyway happy mothers day to all the mums and to everyone else happy Sunday!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

....bad mum?

Am I a bad mum for going with my son on his first day of kindy and ditching him an hour later for Zara? In my defense he is loving it SICK, so his teachers were encouraging me to go shop...i swear,well and no calls yet from them yet so I'm pretty sure he has forgotten who mum and dad are. Didn't hurt that we started the day off on a fully sick ferry ride either. Just about to go meet ex for lunch to fill in time till I pick mini man up after his sleep..... I could get used to this!! Oh yeah I have to get a job, booooo!

Oh my's first day of school!!!

Can't believe it's already first day of kindy! Our little mini man is growing up so fast, as they do of course but it's still not real to me. Will be exciting I guess, especially knowing that I will have TWO full days to myself...(is it bad to have a feeling of freedom?) although I do plan on getting a job somewhere, but still. I'm just dreading that my mini man will be freaking out, although after one or two visits I'm sure he'll be right into it and motioning for me to just leave him at the front gate when we get there, that's what everyone keeps telling me. God I'm nervous though, it's in the big smoke, so will be catching a ferry and walking through the city to get to it, what if he gets a ciggie butt thrown in his face, or is subjected to lots of angry office workers on their blackberrys trying to sort their days s**t out?!?! I'm scared, I guess it's good for the sole and what doesn't break you makes you stronger, blah blah least going to a city one he'll learn to rough it with the best of them and figure out how to negotiate who should get what colour crayon etc, that's what I'm hoping for anyway. He'll be driving himself down to the ferry soon himself I'm pretty sure (he wishes anyway, obsessed with the car) ...that's just how much he'll love it...yep I'm sure of it...totally 100%.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

A chef I am not...

How many cadbury favourites wrappers are in the empty wine glass? If you guessed 8 you would be right. This was desert after my delicious dinner of a weight watchers dinner last night....and you know was delicious and Ill be buying them again. The sh*t thing is, is that it was so bloody tiny that I filled up on the equivalent of a huge chocolate bar afterwards by inhaling 8 mini favourites.

I am no chef I admit.....ex can attest to that also. If I have to cook I will, but to be honest Im just not into it...ESPECIALLY for one person. I know I know, I could be cooking for me and mini man, ie whatever I cook the night before, he has for lunch or dinner the next day...but I wouldnt do it to the poor thing. Dont get me wrong, I do cook him vegies and he has meat and fish etc, but its not fancy pants in the slightest...thank god he doesnt know any better, and thank god even more he never ate any of the delicious gourmet meals that his dad used to serve up for our dinner every night....cos if he did he too would be having major withdrawals. In saying that I have adjusted quite well to my cardboard box dinners, and my mum god bless her has cooked a months supply of lasagne and quiches to help me consume unwanted calories....sushi train and maccas is also round the corner.

A good friend once tried to get me into cooking about a year or so ago (my mum has tried to all my life), and I gave it a good go for about a week, surprising ex when he got home with...ta daaaaaa.....tacos (thats one dish I can serve up without people running to the bathroom afterwards) but there is only so many taco nights you can have in a week...and 4 out of 7 nights does not a good union make...hmmmm, maybe thats why Im finding myself now eating out of a cardboard box...maybe its just that I am lazy...but deep down I know its because Im scared of poisoning myself and mini man.....and that Im lazy. I always sucked at science and cooking to me is like a science...getting all the timings right, turning this on now, turning the heat down, flipping this, poking that, smelling and tasting everything....urrgh scary,.....and annoying...I mean I can follow recipes but that is so time consuming and um boring. But moving forward I am going to try and start to get into it a bit more...specially for mini mans sake...I think he is getting sick of his Rafferty's Garden pouches that I produce from the cupboard for every meal..IM KIDDING, its only every third meal maybe,,,,just to spice his three veg and meats up a bit. Its funny because I love watching masterchef and my restaurant rules, but I think I like watching that because of all the drama and bitchiness that goes along with it. I would SUCK if I worked in a commercial kitchen and the only way you would see me in there was if I was coming in to complain about a meal that I ordered (stand up for your rights people, specially in restaurants). I could wash the dishes quite happily but thats about it....anything else and you would see me cowering in the big commercial dishwashers.

A friend over in the UK has started making lovely cupcakes and they look ahhhhmazing, when she sent me a photo I actually accused her of getting the photo off google or something, but alas no, she assures me she mastered these all by herself (and the magic of instagram helped too apparently)...good on her and they are divine (see below) so maybe I could start off baking....although I really dont need all these sugary treats around the house especially since I am now single and trying to stay in tip top shape for the 100's of men lining up to date me, but I would much prefer to cook something pretty and give it away to an unsuspecting passerby. Another girlfriend who has moved to the south coast (whom Im hoping to visit very soon so she can give me lots of pointers on lots of lovely things, see her blog ) recently and has started a herb garden using all the lovely herbs in her meals etc, that is inspiring but I know I would just end up killing my herb garden or possums would eat it...but this is whole other entry, exciting as it sounds. I must stop rambling so mini man and I can do a big lovely grocery run to stock up on lean cuisines and Rafferty's pouches..(Im kidding nanny Chris..or am I?)

Monday, April 30, 2012

Procrastination...truly a work out for the mind

So I went for my first run yesterday in about two months....I had a lot going on as I kept banging on about previously, I also had bronchitis and the doc told me to stop running... I swear it. So yeah anyway, i thought, 'right, Im moved, Im unpacked, Im not sick, ex is minding mini man, whats your excuse this time lady?' and I didnt have an answer for myself. So I put on my runners, my fully sick make you go faster and longer nike running leggings (you arent a true runner if you dont have these you know!) a hoodie as it was bloody freezing and i was out the door. Thought I would head for a run down somewhere Balmoral way....but I needed a fully sick go faster and longer running cap (as you cant go running without one you know) awesome trucker cap from Penang just wasnt cutting it anymore...neither was ex's 'girls gone wild' cap. So I popped into Lorna Jane to get a special fang dangled one, and was in there for about 20 minutes umming and ahhing over what colour combo would make me go faster and look more professional. Once chosen, I was again out the door...buuuuut I happened to have a voucher from OPSM tucked into my little zip compartment in the back of my pants and thought, 'hey why not check out some sunnies, I just so happen to have my complimentary fifty buck voucher on me that medibank gave me...wont take long, just a quick sneek peek'....lo and behold OPSM was closed...damn it, what kind of tom foolery is this???, this run is getting closer and closer....quick think, what else can I mindlessly do to stop me from starting this god awful chore...ummmm nothing....because it takes bloody 5 minutes to walk up and down the shops in mosman along military road...look I love it here, but please sort this issue out mosman council, or whoever is in charge of putting more cool stores in....I need more procrastination time. So after much ado about seriously bloody nothing I bit the bullet and walked sensibly (didnt run as I could have tripped) down the hill to Balmoral to start my little run. So anyway this story is quite boring so Im going to wind it up, I got down to the bottom, had a jog and walked back up the evil evil stairs at the east end (or is it South?) of Balmoral and they KILLED ME! i think i have shin splints, if thats what you call it. All in all, I probably ran for about 10 minutes and then walked up the stairs which was another 5, so a 15 minute work out isnt too bad, my procrastination work out I am a lot more proud of....all up that was probably about 50 minutes. God exercise is the devils work, and I seriously do not understand people that bang on about feeling so awesome and energised after a work out...I NEVER feel that, I just feel tired and want to go to bed. Anyhoo, procrastinating is fun and healthy and Im all for it, in moderation of course. Was nice to head to Balmoral for my pretend run too, so beautiful down there, even on a crap day. On the way back home I got my usual skim cap as a reward and got a text from a friend asking if I would like to catch up with him for a drink in the city....i was listening to S & M by rihanna, getting my groove on and thought  'yes I am definitely up for some single gal action in the city with some lovely gay boys' ex has mini man, lets do it. An hour later, we pretty much texted each other at the same time saying we cant be f**ked, we are getting too old and staying in where its nice and warm...he must have had a really hard procrastinating work out too Im guessing.

Way to start the day

Just woke up crying singing 'jar of hearts' and the weird thing is, I knew all the words in my dream and had an awesome voice but I'm trying to remember them now and I can't and my voice sux. I dreamt a friend was saying the reason ex and I broke up was so he could make way for his new younger version ..... This hasn't happened yet but the sad thing is, it probably will, hopefully in real life he will be a bit more tactful, I know he isn't heartless. I have woken up so many times in the past crying, I mean before all this happened, I had so many dreams where he left me for someone else and was so cruel about it, I would actually wake up sobbing. Maybe it was a premonition. Why can't I dream of winning lotto numbers or cures for cancer or something!! I know he isn't like this in real life and cares and loves me very much still bit its still f**ked......and now my eyes are red and sore and I can't get this song out of my head, I love the song but it's not exactly an uplifting way to start the day :( boo me. Here is a picture of our beautiful mini man to lift the spirits, we got something right at least.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Its been a while...

For many things but lets not delve too deep into those issues. So in a quick review/round up over the past week and a half (dont want to dribble on too much of course) I have moved house in the worst wet weather sydney has seen all year, im sure i wasnt the only one moving that day but it sure bloody felt like it, had my ex pils round to help me get sorted...what a godsend!, unpacked, had the flu and felt like I was swallowing razor blades for 5 days, revisited one of my loves Mr Minsky (this was obviously before flu came along) with a girlfriend, (who Im pretty sure has been replaced by a younger city slicker top 40 rehasher type...not complaining), unpacked,  been hit on by a 25 yr old riot squad copper(again...not complaining :) who thought I was 27,too hot to be a mum (offensive much ?!?!?) and hotter than Miranda Kerr...., cos she was too that a compliment? he was well maggot and it was very dark so Im writting off that whole episode , been to a lovely baby shower, had my supermum fall off the back decking steps possibly breaking a rib, had the garbos literally skim the top of my otto bin cos it was too full and dump it in the gutter leaving it there, helped my ex move (his new place is not too shabby I must say), got lots of supportive "you go girl" messages on facey which was nice, unpacked, had cleaners come through the manly place, do a shit job, complained, got them out again, ummm, had my first house guests (other than, ex, family etc) antioxidant coffee and choccy slice was grown up, had a lovely note by a concerned new neighbour left on my windscreen saying that if i am not a resident then I should not be parking here....bloody council chic gave me the wrong parking sticker, listened to 20 year olds fighting out the front of my place saying they were going to 'effing kill you with this bottle'... (nice....kind landlord, PLEASE bloody hurry up and fix my front door lock) ummmmmmmmmmm, been to kirribilli markets (DISAPPOINTING!!!, well it was today anyway, actually got 9 greeting cards for $15 so not a huge waste of time, and the seller told me they are cards they sell to DJ's...hmmmm, fancy), unpacked, driven my poor broken ribbed muma back home up the coast, driven back down, unpacked, lost the cords to my printer (can you by just printer cords?) Waiting to hear news of a good friends buba arrival in the UK...anyday now, realised how underrated good pegs are,...I love hanging up washing....sad i know. Ummmmm what else, sorted out a massive 'to sell' pile which I will probably never get round to doing, covered myself in 100, not epilated my legs for a, had a few massive cries trying to adjust to this whole new thing and a new house (Im still sleeping with a night light...yikes....bunny girl doesnt mind though), given mini man his first maccas happy meal (sorry nanny Chris, sushi train was PACKED and we werent waiting for 45minutes) unpacked....The best news of all though is that mini man loves his new digs, has slept through every single night, and even woke me up at 11pm a couple nights ago cos he was giggling so hard in his sleep. Thank god I made it through, sorry, I mean thank god, WE made it through. Right I think thats about it.....good to get it all off my chest, speaking of which I dont have one, as I have lost a wee bit of weight with all the stress/work/mentalness going on...time for a boob job me thinks as I sure as hell dont want to put weight back on! wow...that was a massive dribble on.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012


So effing typical! Day before the 'big day' of moving and its bloody raining cats, dogs and the whole bloody zoo and is meant to continue for a few days. Why god why do you punish me so? and this combined with feeling like crapola after yet another girls gone wild night out with another chickadee of mine. This was on Sunday night and I still feel like something my son dragged in from the darkest depths of the compost heap out the back. Oh well these trying times just make us stronger and there are worse things going on the world thats for sure. Sunday was fun, myself and my partner in crime headed down for a last hurrah to Manly Wharf for some cheeky bevies and a perve on some young lads...not too young of course. This I can safely say was accomplished this time, not like Thursday nights efforts and the perve factor being non existent. After the wharf we were dragged....(actually thats a lie, we quite happily complied) to the good ol Boat Shed.. I must say, in all my time i have not had the pleasure of meeting said establishment until Sunday night....and it did not disappoint, seedy, stinky, cheesy tunes and half cut manly maggots stumbling about....good times had by all. I must point out, and reiterate if I havent already, I do not make it a regular thing to hit the town and act like a crazy lady....just at the moment while I am still coming to terms with all thats going on, well thats my excuse anyway for now. So I have spoken to the removalists and they told me its fine to move in the rain, we just need to go get plastic covers for everything...awesome, as if I dont have enough to do today! Thats ok, I am strong, here me roar, I can do it. I dont know why I freak out, my mum raised me and my bro by herself from the ages of 5 and 10 or something like that and we had to do a huge move. After staying in a house for 15 years the amount of absolute crap you can accumulate is quite scary but she managed (as she has super human powers, Im sure mini man thinks that of me too) and Im sure we will manage too....if only this rain would kindly take its sorry ass to another part of the least for tomorrow anyway.
Look out Manly!

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Fragile much?

Yes would be the answer. I had a girls night out on the town the other night with two of my besties and, we quite frankly tore the town a new behind! We ripped that s**t up (well in my eyes we did)!!! Am I a bad mum? I seriously felt like it the next day, felt guilty for drinking a wee bit too much, hungover and generally sorry for myself (this last sorry for myself feeling is becoming a regular occurrence). Mini man was totally fine and none the wiser and I certainly dont go out all the time but when you are freshly single, you need to get out there and shake what yo mumma gave you...this I accomplished. Ex goes out all the time, so whats good for the goose is good for the gander or something like that (another classic mum quote, thanks mum). We started off for a drinky poo at the Establishment in the city, my god its a meat market, perhaps a jungle even, in there, I forgot what its like, then we headed to the new Star City to check out its fancy pants makeover....looks amazing but wow it was DEAD, I think they really need to ramp up the advertising for this place and having experienced the oh so awesomeness that is vegas, it was kind of a let down..but then we are apparently a fair way behind in the casion department. Anyhoo, we had a yummy Italian dinner at Balla, chugged down some pinot and thought lets head back to the meat market for some perving and dancing...dancing was had but as far as perving....what a let down. Come on guys, show us what you've got!! All in all it was a really fun night with two of my chickadees and cant wait to do it again tonight...I kid I kid. Someone has to be responsible around here....but to be responsible you also have to let loose once in a while, thats my motto and Im sticking to it.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Easter Monday Yum Chaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Yummmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Cha! yum cha yum cha yum cha....another one of my great loves. Actually yum cha is a little family thing that myself, mini man and mini mans dad love doing together, so in honor of it being Easter Monday and of our time in Manly town winding up, we thought we would go treat ourselves to all things yummy and cha at Manly didnt disappoint as usual. Yep ex and I still go out and do normal things with our mini man which is good, its really weird, we love hanging out together and have fun together but we just arent 'together'. Anyway Im just glad that we can hang out as a family still, mini man loves it and possibly loves yum cha even more (he wouldnt be alone in this thought) if the shots below are anything to go by. In saying that, its moving day in a weeks time and I dont think Ive really come to terms that its just going to be me and mini man in our new place.. I am starting to get a bit nervous and anxious and freaking out about the little things like the security of the doors ( I am a massive security nut, and have been known to push wardrobes up against doors when staying in strange places to make it more difficult for anyone trying to break they do), who will take the huntsman's outside that creep in, and HOW (and this is a big one) the f**k am I going to watch American Horror Story by myself ? I think I may have to IQ that one and watch it when mini man is asleep during the day...all very valid and serious points. Anyway only time will tell Im guessing.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

My new bff

I loooooooooooooove foxtel. Who am I kidding, foxtel has always been my bff, there is nothing new about this. Bunny girl, always has a place in my heart and is my longest standing wingman but foxtel is definitely my bff. After I calmed down from my mini/major meltdown on sat arvo I resigned myself to the fact that I will be spending this saturday easter night on my lonesome once mini man is tucked away in the land of nod. Thats cool, I can deal with this, actually i have been since mini mans arrival really, I mean we still did go out for date nights everynow and then and the odd girl out on the town night, but most saturday evenings were spent with good ol foxy and a nice bottle of something mind numbing (like most parents really). Anyhooski, I'm rambling. So this Saturday I got all prepared to spend my evening with my bestie and look at this awesome gem that I stumbled upon!!!! Um, like whatever, like nah ahhhhh! totes, defo, omg are you for realz, hellsy yeah!!!

 Yes I am showing my age night just got 1000 times better, what can I say, Im easily pleased. Romy and Michele's High School Reunion is one of those movies you can watch at least once a week and go 'oh my god, I didnt see that last week when I watched it' . It truly is a work of cinematic genius, that has its viewers on the edge of their seats, wondering what madcap harebrained scheme these two chickadees are going to throw at us next. Its a wild adventure folks and you need to hold onto your hats with this one. Ok my last few sentences may have been slightly exaggerated but thats truly how awesome it is.

So that in a nutshell is why foxtel is my bestie (along with bunny girl of course), you often stumble upon little gems that brighten your world even if its just for a few hours. I wonder who I would pick if I had to choose between foxy and my Who mag....hmmm, that is a toughy actually but I think foxy comes out on top...just. As if I would ever give up, True Blood, Real Housewives of B H, Jersey Shore, Gossip Girl etc etc etc, the list is endless, well on my IQ recording list it is. Anyway again, Im rambling. If its one thing I implore to anyone who is single, about to be single, or just after some awesome alone time viewing (or with a gathering, its your choice), Foxtel will solve all your dilemmas, or maybe you are a book person and if you are thats cool books are all bloody packed so that aint me at the moment.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Just what I needed....

I have a subscription to Who....its really a necessity rather than a want. Every Thursday I get excited about my special little surprise Ill get in the letterbox and how I can look at all the juicy scandals and photos of everything celeb...Who never lies, I know cos a special friend of a friend who has a source told me so (not like some other mags I care not to mention, although I devour these also). Anyhooski, now that I am a single muma, I really right about now need some morale boosting in the feeling/looking hot department and of course the issue that comes along this week is all about bloody beautiful people 2012 and, low and behold who do we have on the cover this week Miranda BLOODY Kerr...look Im not a Miranda hater, I, like the rest of the world think she is stunning, and Australias answer to Sandy from Grease (hang on Sandy was Australian wasnt she?) but Im sick of looking at her genetically blessed gorgeousness.....'dont get the magazine then' I hear you shout out in frustration...but what can I do when its delivered right to my door? Oh the dilemmas!!

Anyway I got over it, Miranda is hot, I'd go there if I was that way inclined, or maybe even if I wasnt...who wouldnt really, but Im happy with what Ive got, and if you dont like it then I dont give a toss and you arent the one for me...not that Im looking for 'the one' right now anyway of course.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Mother of a.........

meltdown....yep, I knew it was coming, well it wasnt of 'mother' proportions i dont think, more like a mini mother meltdown. Oh woe is me....Basically I went ape sh*t not because of ex and mine's split (well I guess ultimately it is that) but rather because he was going out with his lovely sister to the lovely opera bar for some lovely drinks...and I got a wee bit jealous, I love having lovely drinks with his lovely sister at lovely bars!!. The stupid part is, is that i was actually invited to come too, as mini mans nan was happy to babysit, and I mean what ex's dont socialise after splitting 2 weeks beforehand, its totally normal...right? or if I didnt want to go with them then i could have done my own thing, but instead i got all sorry for myself, had a tanti like one of mini mans if i refuse him playschool and stalked off upstairs to have a good cry and tell myself that no one really likes me or cares!!! What an idiot!! As I know this is nowhere remotely the could you not love me???...lets be honest now folks. Anywho, after having a cry and calming down and getting some more packing done (this is quite therapeutic to be hoesnt, im pretty sure I didnt bin too many of ex's cherished business books) I texted ex to let him know all is good and Im not ready for the loony bin just yet...that might be in a week and a bit when its moving day. So the moral is, have a tanti, have a cry, have something....just let it ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut.

This is my creative tanti face that i mastered all by myself. its quite easy, you just use to rolls of packing tape and some wooden stacking toy thingys and place on a child size blue shown above.

Look what I found?

How funny and also appropriate, was going through mini mans books (yep he's a reader of fine literature already) to pack up and came across this one....Im not naming names as I think the title says it all, couldnt have come across this little gem at a more perfect time. Like i keep saying though, its all good in the hood, just had to share this pearler with the world. Happy Easter to all and to all a good night.

Friday, April 6, 2012

I love my ex....but BG all the way

he is the father of mini man, and still one of my bestest buds despite us splitting buuuuuuut, this is what Im relegated to in the wake of our breakup...
Yep we are still living in the same house for the next two weeks until the lease is up and we move to our own places... and this is my room, it was once the lovely spare room where all our lovely guests would stay for lovely fun times. Now its my room with lots of lovely boxes and just general crap floating around everywhere, lucky I aint no princess...well not at the moment anyway, Im tired enough. You may notice a stuffed bunny next to my pillow, BG (her name is bunny girl) was given to me by one of my closest girlfriends when I was 18, I think it was during a breakup I was going through back then....who would have thought that bunny girl would have stuck with me all these years through thick and thin, the poor thing is down to one ear but she is a survivor...she gives me strength and I will use this strength to get through the next two weeks before mini man and I move to our new place. No, its actually all good between me and my ex, most of the time, I have moments of tearing up but we are still going to be great mates and share in the amazing job of bringing up our mini man together. My friends ask if its awkward living with him, but its not, we still laugh at the same lame jokes he still performs all his bodily functions for me (to mini mans delight) and we are carrying on (almost) the same....just in separate rooms and with strictly no hanky panky. It will be weird at first I admit when we go to our own places but you know who will be by my side...thats right...bunny girl!! BG I salute you!!! Now hop along and deliver some easter goodies.                                             

Thursday, April 5, 2012

The question on everyones lips....

Did the fridge fit the space at the new place? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, urgh...but the owner was there and kindly suggested we place it elsewhere in the kitchen where it will fit and not look too man. Pity our fridge doesnt look like a work of art though, oh well, with mini mans awesome doodling Im sure we can make it into one. God the thought of having to sell the bast**d was doing my head in so I would have been happy to keep it on the roof  in the harshest of  Mosman elements if needs be. Another awesome thing, the backyard wont get any snakes or wild animals roaming through it but maybe a few scary spiders...Im serious, he mentioned this to me and my ex pil (ex parents in law...yes we still hang out and they are like my second set of folks plus they are mini mans nanny and pop so I dont have a choice in the matter) mind you I think he was from sweeden so he in all seriousness thought this was a possibility in Mosman, very sweet for warning us though. Actually here is a shot of my ex fil (ex father in law) battling with one of the spiders we came across, was on google and everything!

Well I guess taronga zoo is just round the corner so you never no!!

Can a scrummy bum get scrummier?

Answer - No...unless they are sitting with Bert and Ernie

Mother of a... to do list

To do lists, some peeps love them some not so much. I am one of the peeps that loves them, they help me in times of need and times of a now. Can you do too many lists though? they tend to become a bit redundant when you repeat the same thing from one to the other just to ease your conscience and make you think you are actually getting stuff done. Oh well, it makes me feel better. So on todays awesome list, we have Measuring the fridge space at the new place to see if ours fits (anyone for a stainless steel side by sider? ), sort through stuff to sell on ebay (will I actually do this...probably not), write our termination letter to our current agent...done and crossed off thank you very much, book removalists...done and dusted..yet again, cross off the list. Man Im on fire come to think of it...then we have your generic grocery list...done that this morning.yesssssss, I am getting stuff done, see I knew I was a list person deep down, why would I ever question them..You can have one or you can have 100 on the go...its all good! I love lists, oh yes I do, lists are awesome whoopdy do....and Im a poet and didnt know it (as my mum would say, thanks mum). Things just keep getting better and better.


Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Oh Manly, how I will miss thee

Wow my first blog ever! Very exciting, well for me anyway. We have lived in Manly for the past two years, coming from the north shore. I looooooooooooove Manly and really dont want to leave now. But alas our time here is up, lease is coming to an end in two weeks and then its me and mini man moving to the ever so posh suburb of Mosman and my ex moving somewhere close by to lend a hand...with mini man of course, not me. Anyway, have taken some happy snaps of the beachside suburb I have grown to love.....oh how I will miss reading the Manly Daily and its ah..daily goings on, specially the section where it states how many guys have pi**ed in the corso on a drunken saturday night out. Oh and I coloured my hair today, it was a bit of a cheap brassy blond before, which I probably should have kept since I am single now  and need to attract some suiters, however since Im heading to Mosmano, i really do need to fit in and be a wee bit posher me thinks. Ok ciao for now.