Tuesday, April 17, 2012


So effing typical! Day before the 'big day' of moving and its bloody raining cats, dogs and the whole bloody zoo and is meant to continue for a few days. Why god why do you punish me so? and this combined with feeling like crapola after yet another girls gone wild night out with another chickadee of mine. This was on Sunday night and I still feel like something my son dragged in from the darkest depths of the compost heap out the back. Oh well these trying times just make us stronger and there are worse things going on the world thats for sure. Sunday was fun, myself and my partner in crime headed down for a last hurrah to Manly Wharf for some cheeky bevies and a perve on some young lads...not too young of course. This I can safely say was accomplished this time, not like Thursday nights efforts and the perve factor being non existent. After the wharf we were dragged....(actually thats a lie, we quite happily complied) to the good ol Boat Shed.. I must say, in all my time i have not had the pleasure of meeting said establishment until Sunday night....and it did not disappoint, seedy, stinky, cheesy tunes and half cut manly maggots stumbling about....good times had by all. I must point out, and reiterate if I havent already, I do not make it a regular thing to hit the town and act like a crazy lady....just at the moment while I am still coming to terms with all thats going on, well thats my excuse anyway for now. So I have spoken to the removalists and they told me its fine to move in the rain, we just need to go get plastic covers for everything...awesome, as if I dont have enough to do today! Thats ok, I am strong, here me roar, I can do it. I dont know why I freak out, my mum raised me and my bro by herself from the ages of 5 and 10 or something like that and we had to do a huge move. After staying in a house for 15 years the amount of absolute crap you can accumulate is quite scary but she managed (as she has super human powers, Im sure mini man thinks that of me too) and Im sure we will manage too....if only this rain would kindly take its sorry ass to another part of the globe....at least for tomorrow anyway.
Look out Manly!

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