Monday, April 30, 2012

Way to start the day

Just woke up crying singing 'jar of hearts' and the weird thing is, I knew all the words in my dream and had an awesome voice but I'm trying to remember them now and I can't and my voice sux. I dreamt a friend was saying the reason ex and I broke up was so he could make way for his new younger version ..... This hasn't happened yet but the sad thing is, it probably will, hopefully in real life he will be a bit more tactful, I know he isn't heartless. I have woken up so many times in the past crying, I mean before all this happened, I had so many dreams where he left me for someone else and was so cruel about it, I would actually wake up sobbing. Maybe it was a premonition. Why can't I dream of winning lotto numbers or cures for cancer or something!! I know he isn't like this in real life and cares and loves me very much still bit its still f**ked......and now my eyes are red and sore and I can't get this song out of my head, I love the song but it's not exactly an uplifting way to start the day :( boo me. Here is a picture of our beautiful mini man to lift the spirits, we got something right at least.

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