Saturday, April 28, 2012

Its been a while...

For many things but lets not delve too deep into those issues. So in a quick review/round up over the past week and a half (dont want to dribble on too much of course) I have moved house in the worst wet weather sydney has seen all year, im sure i wasnt the only one moving that day but it sure bloody felt like it, had my ex pils round to help me get sorted...what a godsend!, unpacked, had the flu and felt like I was swallowing razor blades for 5 days, revisited one of my loves Mr Minsky (this was obviously before flu came along) with a girlfriend, (who Im pretty sure has been replaced by a younger city slicker top 40 rehasher type...not complaining), unpacked,  been hit on by a 25 yr old riot squad copper(again...not complaining :) who thought I was 27,too hot to be a mum (offensive much ?!?!?) and hotter than Miranda Kerr...., cos she was too that a compliment? he was well maggot and it was very dark so Im writting off that whole episode , been to a lovely baby shower, had my supermum fall off the back decking steps possibly breaking a rib, had the garbos literally skim the top of my otto bin cos it was too full and dump it in the gutter leaving it there, helped my ex move (his new place is not too shabby I must say), got lots of supportive "you go girl" messages on facey which was nice, unpacked, had cleaners come through the manly place, do a shit job, complained, got them out again, ummm, had my first house guests (other than, ex, family etc) antioxidant coffee and choccy slice was grown up, had a lovely note by a concerned new neighbour left on my windscreen saying that if i am not a resident then I should not be parking here....bloody council chic gave me the wrong parking sticker, listened to 20 year olds fighting out the front of my place saying they were going to 'effing kill you with this bottle'... (nice....kind landlord, PLEASE bloody hurry up and fix my front door lock) ummmmmmmmmmm, been to kirribilli markets (DISAPPOINTING!!!, well it was today anyway, actually got 9 greeting cards for $15 so not a huge waste of time, and the seller told me they are cards they sell to DJ's...hmmmm, fancy), unpacked, driven my poor broken ribbed muma back home up the coast, driven back down, unpacked, lost the cords to my printer (can you by just printer cords?) Waiting to hear news of a good friends buba arrival in the UK...anyday now, realised how underrated good pegs are,...I love hanging up washing....sad i know. Ummmmm what else, sorted out a massive 'to sell' pile which I will probably never get round to doing, covered myself in 100, not epilated my legs for a, had a few massive cries trying to adjust to this whole new thing and a new house (Im still sleeping with a night light...yikes....bunny girl doesnt mind though), given mini man his first maccas happy meal (sorry nanny Chris, sushi train was PACKED and we werent waiting for 45minutes) unpacked....The best news of all though is that mini man loves his new digs, has slept through every single night, and even woke me up at 11pm a couple nights ago cos he was giggling so hard in his sleep. Thank god I made it through, sorry, I mean thank god, WE made it through. Right I think thats about it.....good to get it all off my chest, speaking of which I dont have one, as I have lost a wee bit of weight with all the stress/work/mentalness going on...time for a boob job me thinks as I sure as hell dont want to put weight back on! wow...that was a massive dribble on.

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