Monday, June 25, 2012

Boring boring boring boring....or am I just a whinger?

So its been about a month since my last post..why is this you ask, or you may not...well Ill tell you..its because I have absolutely diddly squat to write about so why would I bore anyone with that. Ill try and do a re-cap of the last month. There have a been a few girls nights which were actually really fun and not boring at all, I had a about 8 chickadees over to mine for one particular evening for drinky poos and nibbles and then we hit the crazy town of Neutral Bay...and I must say we had a the below shot clearly shows....what a lovely charming lady like shot

The weather was absolutely atrocious so it was great that we all made the effort to doll ourselves up and get our booggie on. What else...still been job hunting, there are a few that seem like they could be winners and still going to follow up interviews so we'll see. Its quite strange getting all fancied up in corporate work gear again, and low and behold I even wore a top to one of my interviews that was from dah dah dah dahhhhh...Lara Ashley WTF !?!?!?! Even ex was asking what the hell I had on...but it truly wasnt that was just a plain black knit with some lovely little lady like pearls around the neck line (no rude jokes thank you very much!!) I am on the way into the city in interview gear with mini man...was a divine morning and my Laura Ashely number was a hit with all the old corporate ladies.

So yes been going to interviews, going on girls nights, mini man has been loving daycare so its all good really......but boring, well I shouldnt really say that as I sound like an ungrateful whinger but there has just been nothing of exciting interest to write about, but evidently I still this blog post write the yanks would say....'go figure' or 'my bad' or something along those lines. Mini Mans great nan (who we call 'big', she is actually tiny) had a fall though which wasnt to good at all, we have visited her already and she is due to come out of hospital today and looking forward to seeing how she is this afternoon, so Ill make sure mini man chooses a lovely bunch of flowers to give to Big this afternoon for her arrival home.

Uh ohhhhh, I hear the wee mini man calling from his supposed slumber of sleep that lasted for...oh 45minutes, so I shall now sign out and hopefully have some interesting stuff to write soon.