Monday, April 30, 2012

Procrastination...truly a work out for the mind

So I went for my first run yesterday in about two months....I had a lot going on as I kept banging on about previously, I also had bronchitis and the doc told me to stop running... I swear it. So yeah anyway, i thought, 'right, Im moved, Im unpacked, Im not sick, ex is minding mini man, whats your excuse this time lady?' and I didnt have an answer for myself. So I put on my runners, my fully sick make you go faster and longer nike running leggings (you arent a true runner if you dont have these you know!) a hoodie as it was bloody freezing and i was out the door. Thought I would head for a run down somewhere Balmoral way....but I needed a fully sick go faster and longer running cap (as you cant go running without one you know) awesome trucker cap from Penang just wasnt cutting it anymore...neither was ex's 'girls gone wild' cap. So I popped into Lorna Jane to get a special fang dangled one, and was in there for about 20 minutes umming and ahhing over what colour combo would make me go faster and look more professional. Once chosen, I was again out the door...buuuuut I happened to have a voucher from OPSM tucked into my little zip compartment in the back of my pants and thought, 'hey why not check out some sunnies, I just so happen to have my complimentary fifty buck voucher on me that medibank gave me...wont take long, just a quick sneek peek'....lo and behold OPSM was closed...damn it, what kind of tom foolery is this???, this run is getting closer and closer....quick think, what else can I mindlessly do to stop me from starting this god awful chore...ummmm nothing....because it takes bloody 5 minutes to walk up and down the shops in mosman along military road...look I love it here, but please sort this issue out mosman council, or whoever is in charge of putting more cool stores in....I need more procrastination time. So after much ado about seriously bloody nothing I bit the bullet and walked sensibly (didnt run as I could have tripped) down the hill to Balmoral to start my little run. So anyway this story is quite boring so Im going to wind it up, I got down to the bottom, had a jog and walked back up the evil evil stairs at the east end (or is it South?) of Balmoral and they KILLED ME! i think i have shin splints, if thats what you call it. All in all, I probably ran for about 10 minutes and then walked up the stairs which was another 5, so a 15 minute work out isnt too bad, my procrastination work out I am a lot more proud of....all up that was probably about 50 minutes. God exercise is the devils work, and I seriously do not understand people that bang on about feeling so awesome and energised after a work out...I NEVER feel that, I just feel tired and want to go to bed. Anyhoo, procrastinating is fun and healthy and Im all for it, in moderation of course. Was nice to head to Balmoral for my pretend run too, so beautiful down there, even on a crap day. On the way back home I got my usual skim cap as a reward and got a text from a friend asking if I would like to catch up with him for a drink in the city....i was listening to S & M by rihanna, getting my groove on and thought  'yes I am definitely up for some single gal action in the city with some lovely gay boys' ex has mini man, lets do it. An hour later, we pretty much texted each other at the same time saying we cant be f**ked, we are getting too old and staying in where its nice and warm...he must have had a really hard procrastinating work out too Im guessing.

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