Thursday, May 3, 2012

A chef I am not...

How many cadbury favourites wrappers are in the empty wine glass? If you guessed 8 you would be right. This was desert after my delicious dinner of a weight watchers dinner last night....and you know was delicious and Ill be buying them again. The sh*t thing is, is that it was so bloody tiny that I filled up on the equivalent of a huge chocolate bar afterwards by inhaling 8 mini favourites.

I am no chef I admit.....ex can attest to that also. If I have to cook I will, but to be honest Im just not into it...ESPECIALLY for one person. I know I know, I could be cooking for me and mini man, ie whatever I cook the night before, he has for lunch or dinner the next day...but I wouldnt do it to the poor thing. Dont get me wrong, I do cook him vegies and he has meat and fish etc, but its not fancy pants in the slightest...thank god he doesnt know any better, and thank god even more he never ate any of the delicious gourmet meals that his dad used to serve up for our dinner every night....cos if he did he too would be having major withdrawals. In saying that I have adjusted quite well to my cardboard box dinners, and my mum god bless her has cooked a months supply of lasagne and quiches to help me consume unwanted calories....sushi train and maccas is also round the corner.

A good friend once tried to get me into cooking about a year or so ago (my mum has tried to all my life), and I gave it a good go for about a week, surprising ex when he got home with...ta daaaaaa.....tacos (thats one dish I can serve up without people running to the bathroom afterwards) but there is only so many taco nights you can have in a week...and 4 out of 7 nights does not a good union make...hmmmm, maybe thats why Im finding myself now eating out of a cardboard box...maybe its just that I am lazy...but deep down I know its because Im scared of poisoning myself and mini man.....and that Im lazy. I always sucked at science and cooking to me is like a science...getting all the timings right, turning this on now, turning the heat down, flipping this, poking that, smelling and tasting everything....urrgh scary,.....and annoying...I mean I can follow recipes but that is so time consuming and um boring. But moving forward I am going to try and start to get into it a bit more...specially for mini mans sake...I think he is getting sick of his Rafferty's Garden pouches that I produce from the cupboard for every meal..IM KIDDING, its only every third meal maybe,,,,just to spice his three veg and meats up a bit. Its funny because I love watching masterchef and my restaurant rules, but I think I like watching that because of all the drama and bitchiness that goes along with it. I would SUCK if I worked in a commercial kitchen and the only way you would see me in there was if I was coming in to complain about a meal that I ordered (stand up for your rights people, specially in restaurants). I could wash the dishes quite happily but thats about it....anything else and you would see me cowering in the big commercial dishwashers.

A friend over in the UK has started making lovely cupcakes and they look ahhhhmazing, when she sent me a photo I actually accused her of getting the photo off google or something, but alas no, she assures me she mastered these all by herself (and the magic of instagram helped too apparently)...good on her and they are divine (see below) so maybe I could start off baking....although I really dont need all these sugary treats around the house especially since I am now single and trying to stay in tip top shape for the 100's of men lining up to date me, but I would much prefer to cook something pretty and give it away to an unsuspecting passerby. Another girlfriend who has moved to the south coast (whom Im hoping to visit very soon so she can give me lots of pointers on lots of lovely things, see her blog ) recently and has started a herb garden using all the lovely herbs in her meals etc, that is inspiring but I know I would just end up killing my herb garden or possums would eat it...but this is whole other entry, exciting as it sounds. I must stop rambling so mini man and I can do a big lovely grocery run to stock up on lean cuisines and Rafferty's pouches..(Im kidding nanny Chris..or am I?)

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