Thursday, May 24, 2012

Urrggghhh....the on....for a JOB!

Ok, so now that myself and mini man are settled into our new abode that is quite humble, he has started at daycare....3rd week now and not too many tears..YIPEEEEEE, gotten him a haircut and not too many tears...YIPEEEEE, worked out some sort of routine with ex for when he has mm stay over and not too many tears...YIPEEEEE (you get the picture)..Its now time people for me to get a da da da daaaaaaahhhhh... JOB!!!! Nooooooooooooooooooooooooo, say it isnt so!! But alas it is so. God I need to get one, its been two years since I was in the world of talking to adults without mentioning cast changes of hi-5 and the wiggles or what nappies are best for night time piss ups...TWO YEARS I tells ya!!! where has that time gone? can a person who is 85cm tall and weigh 12.5kg really take up that much time??? YES they can. Dont get me wrong, mm is my main focus and my main job (if you can call it that wrong?) and I love love love hanging out with him, and I have never loved anything so much in my life but, like I may have mentioned before...I like my sanity also and a bit of me time...(are we selfish for wanting me time? I feel guitly about wanting that sometimes) ...and a bit of extra cashola wouldnt hurt...oh and I need to pay bills, get some independence back and most importantly buy some boobs to replace the raisins that currently reside on my chest, bit of botox here and there...same old gripe that we all have really. So yes the hunt is on, Im on seek, have been to a few interviews that seem promising (and hopefully are) so we'll see.

To be honest I DONT CARE what I do...well thats a lie, I do care but thats a whole other post, I just need to get out there, specially now that mm is at daycare....yes I have two days to myself but to do what??..yes yes yes...clean the house, go for a jog, have a coffee with friends, catch up on jersey shore and ice loves coco, put a colour through my hair..actually there is a lot I could when I think about it.....BUT I really want to get back into my design and eventually have my own business that generates some sort of semblance to an income,...but god, thats scary, thats actually putting my design skills out there for everyone to see...and after two years Im pretty sure they have evaporated completely. No just a nice normal 9 -5 desk job (part time of course) is for me at the moment...something that I can breeze into, do my job (quite competently, professionally in a timely manner and all with a smile I might add :) breeze out of and then come home and work on my empire of fabulous fabrics in my spare time. Hmmmm perhaps a refresher course in photoshop and illustrator wouldnt go astray...but DOH... I need a job to pay for it. Why oh why wasnt I born a kardashian and get paid to do sweet FA. No its all good, I love job hunting, its the thrill of the chase and Im not going to take something that isnt right for me (which I am lucky to have that luxury I know) and likewise for the company potentially hiring me...if they think Im all sorts of wrong (which clearly Im not...if we are honest)  then its best I dont work would just be a waste of time for all involved.

I went to a seminar on Monday night about blogging and the fabulous Kerri Sackville,, was guest speaker...she made me feel normal in the chase for being successful at something, she is a wife, mother of 3, and has a rabbit, she has just released her latest book (she has two now), has an amazing blog, and twitter following of 5000 (I still dont even really know what twitter is) and she still feels overwhelmed, anxious and under the pump 24/7 and feels that she still hasnt succeeded, even though in my eyes and everyone elses too...she's made it..she is a HUGE success but do we ever realize it?...I know Im talking about just getting a job but I really want to be successful at something...yes I am a mother to the most gorgeous boy in the world and he is what I am most proud of but being successful at something that I created, that I did by myself, that some random person picks up and says 'wow thats cool'...thats what I want...I guess the bigger issue here is why?? why do I want that?? Oh god, that is a whole other post again....and I was only starting this one to talk about job hunting!!! Down the garden path we went..oops.

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