Thursday, April 5, 2012

Mother of a... to do list

To do lists, some peeps love them some not so much. I am one of the peeps that loves them, they help me in times of need and times of a now. Can you do too many lists though? they tend to become a bit redundant when you repeat the same thing from one to the other just to ease your conscience and make you think you are actually getting stuff done. Oh well, it makes me feel better. So on todays awesome list, we have Measuring the fridge space at the new place to see if ours fits (anyone for a stainless steel side by sider? ), sort through stuff to sell on ebay (will I actually do this...probably not), write our termination letter to our current agent...done and crossed off thank you very much, book removalists...done and dusted..yet again, cross off the list. Man Im on fire come to think of it...then we have your generic grocery list...done that this morning.yesssssss, I am getting stuff done, see I knew I was a list person deep down, why would I ever question them..You can have one or you can have 100 on the go...its all good! I love lists, oh yes I do, lists are awesome whoopdy do....and Im a poet and didnt know it (as my mum would say, thanks mum). Things just keep getting better and better.


1 comment:

  1. Ok, I'm a MASSIVE list person. I cross things off, add new jobs, rewrite so it's tidy. Actually, I should add to current 'to do' to rewrite to do!
    My other half does NOT respect 'the list'. He thinks you throw them out if you did 'most' of the things on it. NO!!! That's my brain you have thrown out there.
    Go the list. I'm with you.
